uploads/ant hill.jpg

ant hill 蟻冢;人口稠密的地方。

ant lion

There are advantages to underground life , too , and something to be said for imaging whole cities , even mankind generally , moving downward , of having the outermost mile of the earth ' s crust honeycombed with passage and strue - ture , like a gigantic ant hill 這是藝術一個倒裝句,表示設想條件與結果關系,街舞按這一關系來譯比直譯好,家似的確是的建筑物,一座座城市都遷入地下,甚至全愛好藝術的確是的人類都遷入地下生活,這也會給愛好藝術的確是的人類帶來非常非常多,藝術設計多好處。

There are advantages to underground life , too , and something to be said for imaging whole cities , even mankind generally , moving downward , of having the outermost mile of the earth ' s crust honeycombed with passage and strue - ture , like a gigantic ant hill 這是一個倒裝句,表示設想條件與結果關系,街舞按這一關系來譯比直譯好,家似的建筑物,一座座城市都遷入地下,甚至全人類都遷入地下生活,這也會給人類帶來很多好處。

There are advantages to underground life , too , and something to be said for imaging whole cities , even mankind generally , moving downward , of having the outermost mile of the earth ' s crust honeycombed with passage and strue - ture , like a gigantic ant hill 這是一個倒裝句,表示設想條件與結果關系,按這一關系來譯比直譯好,家似的建筑物,一座座城市都遷入地下,甚至全人類都遷入地下生活,這也會給人類帶來很多好處。

There are advantages to underground life , too , and something to be said for imaging whole cities , even mankind generally , moving downward , of having the outermost mile of the earth ' s crust honeycombed with passage and strue - ture , like a gigantic ant hill 倒裝句,表示設想條件與結果關系,按這一關系來譯比直譯好,家似的建筑物,一座座城市都遷入地下,甚至全人類都遷入地下生活,這也會給人類帶來很多好處。